Repair Of Scimitar Syndrome
Chawki Elzein, Luca Vricella, Narutoshi Hibino.
Advocate Children's Hospital, Oak Lawn, IL, USA.
Objectives: Repair of scimitar syndrome can be associated with increase incidence of scimitar vein stenosis especially when performed in the younger age group. We are reporting a modified surgical technique that may decrease the chance of development of pulmonary vein stenosis. Methods: an eleven years-old girl diagnosed with scimitar syndrome and intact atrial septum, underwent surgical repair. The scimitar vein was disconnected with a button of right atrial and inferior vena cava tissue, mobilized and reimplanted high up on the posterior left atrial wall closer to the fossa ovalis to create a short tunnel to reconstruct for pulmonary vein drainage.Results: patient had a wide open pulmonary vein anastomosis on postoperative echocardiography. She had a smooth postoperative course and was discharged home four days after surgery. Conclusion: the modified surgical technique may decrease the incidence of scimitar vein stenosis. Longer follow up is needed
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